
whole life insurance中文是什么意思

  • 终身保险
  • 终身人寿保险
  • 终身寿险
  • 终生保险单



  • 例句与用法
  • The operation environment of chinese life insurance companies chop and change recently , which results in the insolvency risk of whole life insurance industry
  • Whole - in - one protector offers you the security of whole life insurance and the opportunity to build your wealth with just one single premium . you do not have to pay any more premiums in the future
  • 2 the aggregate model of life insurance establish an aggregate model of life insurance by applying the alien modernly insurance actuarial theories and techniques , including deferred life annuities , whole life insurance and returnable premiums . the model has the following properties : ( a ) through the regulation of various parameters in the model , various insurance products can be obtained ; ( b ) the introduction of whole life annuities in the model eases economic predicament when the insured retire ; ( c ) a returnable premium part in the model makes the insurance products have double functions of insurance and savings ; ( d ) an endowment insurance actuarial model also can be gotten when annuity is continuous . and construct an optimization model based on aggregate model of life insurance
    这个保险精算模型具有如下性质: ( a )保险公司可以根据实际情况调整参数,不同参数的组合可以得到不同的保险产品,灵活适用性较强; ( b )年金的引入,可以缓解投保人退休后的经济窘境,避免或减小因退休而面临的经济影响,保险的社会保障性得到了很好的体现; ( c )模型中的还本部分,使得这种保险产品具有储蓄和保险的双重功能,不仅扩大了保险的社会职能,而且对于投保人来说,多了一种安全的投资选择; ( d )年金连续的情况下,建立了具有储蓄功能的养老保险精算模型。
  • By researching , the major innovations of this paper are : ( 1 ) analysises the assets and liabilities table and the loss and gain table of life insurance companies in china from 1998 to 2001 in detail , comprehensively reflects the structure of assets and liabilites in the life insurance companies even in the whole life insurance industry of our country during the recent years ; ( 2 ) on the aspect of assets management , our country should reduce the proportion of monetory assets , improve the proportion of investment assets and establish the scientific investment management system , and suitably lower the proporty of the fixed assets on the premise of guaranteeing the operation ; ( 3 ) on the aspect of management of matching assets and liabilities , the life insurance company of our country should reduce the sales of the policies of prearranged high insuranc rate , develop the new type of life insurance products and match each policy with prearranged high interest rate with high interest rate investment correspondingly ; ( 4 ) as refering to the index system of assets and liabilities management of the commercial banks in our country , it has explored that of the life insura
    第三部分从寿险公司的资产管理、负债管理、资产负债匹配管理及资产负债匹配管理评价指标四个方面进行了分析和研究。本文的主要创新之处是: ( 1 )将自1998年至2001年国内所有寿险公司的资产负债表和损益表进行了详细的分析,比较全面地反映了我国近年来各寿险公司及整个寿险业资产负债的结构状况; ( 2 )在资产管理方面,我国应适当降低货币类资产的比例、提高投资类资产的比例并建立科学的投资管理体系、保证经营的前提下适当降低固定资产的比例、尽量减少占用类资产的比例等; ( 3 )在资产负债匹配管理方面,我国寿险公司应尽量减少高预定利率保单的销售、发展新型寿险产品,每销售一批较高预定利率的保单就应选择相应高利率的投资与之对应匹配; ( 4 )借鉴我国商业银行资产负债管理的指标体系,探讨了寿险公司资产负债匹配管理的指标体系。
  • 英文解释
  • 百科解释
Whole life insurance, or whole of life assurance (in the Commonwealth of Nations), is a life insurance policy that remains in force for the insured's whole life and requires (in most cases) premiums to be paid every year into the policy.
  • 其他语种释义
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